Motivational quotes for happiness
The secret of being happy is
Accepting where you are in life and making
The most out of every day.
The secret of happiness is
Something to do.
Happiness is dependent on self-discipline.
We are the biggest obstacles to our own happiness.
It is much easier to do battle with society and with others than to fight our own nature.
Infuse your life with action.
Don't wait for it to happen. Make it happen.
Make your own future.
Make your own hope.
Make your own love.
And whatever your beliefs,
Honor your creator,
Not by passively waiting for grace to
Come down from upon high,
But by doing what you can make
grace happen.... yourself,
Right now, right down here on earth.
If you truly Love yourself,
You could never hurt another.
Research has shown that the best way to be happy is to make each day happy.
Live, love and smile to enjoy every moment of life.
Happiness isn't something you experience, it's something you remember.
Do everything with a good heart
and expect nothing in return, and you will never be disappointed.
Don't wait for things to get easier, simpler, or better.
Life will always be complicated.
Learn to be happy right now.
Otherwise, you'll run out of time.
Life only comes around once.
So do what makes you happy and
Be around people who make you smile.